Step 1. Open Cute-FTP
Step 2. Then either press F4 or click on the file menu, then site manager.
Step 3. You are now presented with the site manager. Here you can see what FTP accounts you have setup and add new ones. To add a new FTP site, click the 'New' button at the bottom of the site manager window.
Step 4. Enter your user    information
  1: Label For Site:
  2: FTP Host Address:
  3: FTP site User
The   username   you specified when   you signed up for the   account.
  4: FTP site Password:   The   Password you   specified when   you   signed up for the   account.
  5: Click On Edit: A   new setting   window   will pop up  

6: Default Remote Directory:
enter  /Web click Ok

Note:make sure that you type /web and replace if there is  anything else. IF YOU DON'T TYPE /WEB YOU WILL CONNECT TO THE WRONG FOLDER AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO VIEW YOUR WEB SITE.

 7: Click on Connect
Step 5.
1: Make sure you connect to the root web folder ie. /web
2: Highlight the files you want to upload
3: Click on the up arrow button to Upload you files
4: Once the files are up loaded you should be able to see on the server side.